What We Do

The Native Plant Rescue Project is now its own 501(c)(3)! Visit NPRP’s website.

Meetings with Guest Speakers

We meet monthly, the 2nd Thursday of each month, in hybrid meetings that can be attended via Zoom or in-person (usually at the Georgetown Public library). Guest speakers who are experts in their fields share their knowledge in a wide range of topics related to Texas native plants — what to plant, wildlife, the environment and everything in between. (Please let us know if you have an idea for a speaker.) You’ll find the current year’s list of speakers on our Wilco Home page. See our Blog for meeting announcements

Image: Callirhoe involucrata var lineariloba, “Williamson County Winecup”

Field Trips

Field trips are a great way to learn about local resources and plants, while getting to know other members.  Our chapter takes awesome field trips around Williamson County, Central Texas and beyond.

Trips are led by a chapter committee. Join them to help plan the fun!

Before you head out on a field trip be sure to check info under Field Trips on our Wilco Home page, where you’ll also see plans for future trips. As details firm up, we announce field trips in our Blog.

Have an idea for somewhere to visit? Let us know! The committee is always looking for location ideas and volunteers to lead attendees on fun and educational outings.

Plant Surveys

Plant surveys assist public land owners as they make decisions based on flora diversity (or lack thereof).

Our chapter assists communities in Williamson County by incorporating these requests into field trip planning.

Surveys have been conducted throughout the county. Examples include Berry Springs Park and Preserve, River Ranch County Park, Southwest Williamson County Regional Park, Garey Park and new parks and preserves still under development.

Members at all plant knowledge levels can help on survey field trips. Beginners are welcome! The trips are a great way to see native plants in their habitats and learn with other members.

Native Plant Sales

Our chapter sells native Texas plants to raise chapter funds and to advocate for and educate the public about native plants. We hold our sales twice per year, in the spring and in the fall, at locations in Williamson County. Sale dates are announced in blog posts, on our Wilco Home page and on Facebook.

Join the team to help with sales or support. Setup or help sell on plant sale days. Help before the sale to track orders, delivery, or plant propagation and labeling at Wright’s Nursery. Native plant “beginners” are welcome! Helping on plant sales is a great way to get to know native plants and other chapter members.

Community Gardens

NPSOT-Wilco volunteers bring their time and expertise to community gardens located in Williamson County.

Want to dig in? Calls for volunteers for maintenance days are announced at chapter meetings and/or on our Blog.

Click the Learn More button for info on these locations where we volunteer on an ongoing basis.

  • Garey Park Bird Blind Native Landscape
  • Georgetown Public Library Garden
  • The NEST’s Butterfly Garden
  • Williamson County Landfill Pollinator Garden

Community Outreach

NPSOT-Wilco participates in events around the county and Central Texas to advocate for native plants. We run information booths and speak at events. Sometimes we give away plants. We help other chapters when they have a call for volunteers, and more.

The need for volunteers depends on the project. When a chance for community outreach comes up, details are announced, usually at chapter meetings.

Speakers Bureau

The chapter’s Speakers Bureau connects NPSOT experts with local organizations that need speakers. Popular titles have included: Why Native Plants?; Landscaping with Natives; Pollinator Gardens; Rain Gardens; Monarchs and Milkweed; and more.

Volunteers help deliver on the advocacy and educational outreach goals of our mission by building presentations and/or presenting at events. Interested? Let us know at Contact Us.

Need a speaker for your organization? Let us know at Contact Us.

Native Plant Garden Assistance

The NPSOT-Wilco Native Plant Garden Assistance program offers free native plant garden design assistance to nonprofits, churches, government entities, and public parks within Williamson County, Texas.

Why only native plants? Plants that are native to a given ecoregion have adapted to the local conditions. After they are established, they survive without supplemental water or fertilizer. Native plants provide benefits to native pollinators and local wildlife by offering nectar, food, nesting materials and shelter and are vital to maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

Native Landscape Certification Program

NLCP workshops are held at locations across Texas throughout the year. Each workshop combines classroom instruction with outside fieldwork providing instruction in native plant identification (trees, shrubs, forbs and grasses) and their use in the landscape. We also identify common invasive exotics and appropriate native plant alternatives.

When held in Williamson County, NLCP is taught by experts who are members of the NPSOT-Wilco chapter. Although we are not currently teaching NLCP other close-by chapters may be. See the schedules for info.

Interpretive Plant Signs Program

NPSOT Wilco’s Field Trip Committee works with various organizations to provide interpretive plant signs in public parks, trails, and other locations in Williamson County. The signs include QR codes so nature lovers who have QR readers on their devices can easily find additional information using a smartphone or tablet. Locations include Berry Springs Park and Preserve, Champion Park, Brushy Creek Regional Trail and more.

Questions or interested in signing up?

Contact us anytime with your questions about our mission or chapter. Tell us the types of activities that interest you as a volunteer. When a specific project has a need, we announce its “call for volunteers ” at chapter meetings (recent slides) and/or on our blog.

Get in touch with us at Contact Us.