Prior Guest Speakers

2025 Meetings to Date

See our YouTube channel for videos. (Presentations are recorded if the speaker has granted permission.)

2025 MeetingsPresentation TopicGuest SpeakerOn YouTube?
January 9, 2025Native Seed LibrariesCraig Bruskacoming soon!

2024 Meetings

2024 Meetings
Presentation TopicGuest SpeakerOn YouTube?
January 11, 2024Fire Ant Management Wizzie BrownnoThis guest presentation was not recorded for YouTube.
February 8, 2024Land Stewardship for Birds and the Importance of Native Plant CommunitiesRufus Stephens and Jan Wredeyes
March 14, 2024Drop by Drop: The Impact of Small ChangesJessica WoodsyesGuest speaker slides
April 11, 2024Drought-Tolerant Native Plants: Nothing Works Like NativesRandy PensabeneyesGuest speaker handout
Guest speaker slides
May 9, 2024Archeology in Texas Botanical Gardens/Ethnobotany in Texas Botanical GardensSusan Reynoldsyes
June 13, 2024All About SeedsBeth ErwinnoThis guest presentation was not recorded for YouTube.
July 11, 2024Annual Chapter Meeting, including Williamson County Native Plant database discussionRandy Pensabene, Gary Bowersyes
August 8, 2024The Native Aquatic Plants of TexasCasey Williamsyes
September 12, 2024Rediscovering the MoKan PrairieAshley LandrynoThis guest presentation was not recorded for the YouTube channel.
October 10, 2024Building a Future With Flowers: Lewisville’s Sustainable SolutionTJ Gilmoreyes
November 14, 2024Plant Conservation Programs at San Antonio Botanical GardenMichael EasonnoThis guest presentation was not recorded for the YouTube channel.
December 12, 2024Annual Holiday Party & Silent Auction, in-person onlyn/ano

2023 Meetings

You’ll find topic descriptions and speaker information in the blog announcements published about 3 weeks before the meeting date. To find a past announcement, see the event’s entry in the website’s Calendar; or use the Blog page’s side menu to search by topic, speaker, or month.

2023 MeetingsPresentation TopicGuest SpeakerOn YouTube?
January 12, 2023Bicycling with Butterflies Sara Dykmanyes
February 9, 2023Native Host Plants for Texas MothsLynne & Jim Weberyes
March 9, 2023Identification and Reporting of Invasive Pests in Texas LandscapesAshley Morgan-OlverayesSpeaker-recommended reference info can be found here.
April 13, 2023Cacti of TexasBrian Loflinyes
May 11, 2023Medicinal Applications of Native Plants by Native AmericansRicky LinexyesSome plant names are obscured in the video. A list is provided here for reference.
June 8, 2023Living Soil: The World Beneath Our FeetJim Williamsyes
July 13, 2023Hot Stuff and annual meetingBeth Erwinyes
August 10, 2023Native OrchidsAdam Blackyes
September 14, 2023Seed Saving for Native PlantsColleen Dieteryes
October 12, 2023Williamson County’s Native Plant Rescue ProjectAshley LandrynoThis guest presentation was not recorded for YouTube.
November 9 2023Rare Plants of Williamson CountyBill CarrnoAlthough this guest presentation was not recorded for YouTube, Bill’s slides are available at this link.
December 14, 2023Annual Holiday Gathering and Silent Auction – in person onlyn/ano

2022 Meetings

You’ll find topic descriptions and speaker information in the blog announcements published about 3 weeks before the meeting date. To find a past announcement, see the event’s entry in the website’s Calendar; or use the Blog page’s side menu to search by topic, speaker, or month.

2022 MeetingsPresentation TopicGuest SpeakerOn YouTube?
January 13, 2022Attracting Insects to Your GardenWizzie BrownnoThis guest presentation was not recorded for YouTube.
February 10, 2022(Still Learning) How to Propagate Native PlantsBarbara Wright, Wright’s NurseryyesSpeaker handout is in a PDF file
March 10, 2022Landscaping with Native Plants in Williamson CountyBeth Erwinyes
April 14, 2022The Importance of Native Plants for BirdsGil Eckrichyes
May 12, 2022Riparian Management, Why Creeks Act the Way They DoRicky Linexyes
June 9, 2022Gardening for BatsErin CordyesSpeaker slides are in a PDF file here. Please note that embedded videos do not play in the PDF. They will play in the YouTube recording.
July 14, 2022Annual Meeting, 25th Anniversary and Landscape Series: Gary Bowers’ YardBeth Erwinyes
August 11, 2022Xerces Society: Milkweeds & Pollinator PlantsRay Moranzyes
September 8, 2022History of (LBJWC’s) Native Plants of North America Project, Current Status, & Upcoming ChangesJoe Marcus, Program Coordinator, Native Plants of North America, LBJWCyes
October 13, 2022Fire Resistant LandscapingCamille WisemannoThis guest presentation was not recorded for YouTube.
November 10, 2022Fibonacci Sequence and Native PlantsDiana WilsonnoThis guest presentation was not recorded for YouTube.
December 8, 2022Annual holiday gathering and silent auctionnoIn-person only

2021 Meetings

You’ll find topic descriptions and speaker information in the blog announcements published about 3 weeks before the meeting date. To find a past announcement, see the event’s entry in the website’s Calendar; or use the Blog page’s side menu to search by topic, speaker, or month.

2021 MeetingsPresentation TopicGuest SpeakerOn YouTube?
January 14, 2021Fifty Shades of Green Lite: Neat Natives for Your LandscapeRicky LinexyesSpeaker handout at this link.
February 11, 2021Texas Native Plants and Climate ChangeGeorge Diggs, botanistyes
March 11, 2021Texas Native Perennial BorderMary Irish, authoryes
April 8, 2021Just Enough Latin for Plant ShoppingCarol ClarknoRecorded, but note: this video was available for one month, ending May 10, 2021. Speaker handouts are here and here.
May 13, 2021Planting Natives from SeedDr. Anthony Falk, Instructor Texas A&M Kingsvilleyes
June 10, 2021Landscaping with Native Plants: Ten Design Principles for Home GardenersLeah Churner, Landscape Designeryes
July 8, 2021Annual Chapter Review with Field Trips Update, & Beth Erwin’s “Wicked Plants of Central Texas”Beth Erwinyes
August 12, 2021Edible Wild Plants of Central Texas: SummerEric Knight, Local Leaf LLCnoThis guest presentation was not recorded for YouTube.
September 9, 2021The NEST Empowerment Center’s Butterfly GardenBebe Johnson from The Georgetown Projectyes
October 14, 2021The Humane Gardener: Nurturing Habitat for WildlifeNancy Lawson, authornoThis guest presentation was not recorded for YouTube.
November 11, 2021Restoring Habitat in Texas to Protect Our Native PollinatorsDr. Sean Griffin, Jha Lab at UT-Austinyes
December 9, 2021Seasonal Native Plants, and silent auctionBeth Erwinyes

2020 Meetings

You’ll find topic descriptions and speaker information in the announcements for a given meeting date. Use the side menu on our Blog page to search by topic or speaker, or to scroll through the post archive by month.

2020 MeetingsPresentation TopicGuest SpeakerOn YouTube?
January 9, 2020Oak Trees for Williamson County, a Wildlife BuffetBeth ErwinnoMeeting pre-dated our YouTube channel.
February 13, 2020Wildlife in your GardenKelly SimonnoMeeting pre-dated our YouTube channel.
Speaker slides here.
March 12, 2020The Importance of Honey Bees and How You Can HelpJodi McCumbernoMeeting pre-dated our YouTube channel.
April 9, 2020Nature PhotographySteven Schwartzmanyes
May 14, 2020Mapping Texas Vegetation: Virtually Engaging with NatureAmie Treuer-Kuehn, Texas Parks and Wildlifeyes
June 11, 2020Become Native to Your PlaceGeorge Cates of Native American Seedyes
July 9, 2020Annual Chapter Meeting, Future Plansyes
August 13, 2020Native Plants Star in Monarch Waystations and the BBMT Plays a PartCarol Clarkyes
September 10, 2020Mushrooms of the Gulf Coast StatesDavid Lewisyes
October 8, 2020Native Plants for BirdsJane TillmanyesSpeaker slides are here.
November 12, 2020Managing a Native Landscape in an Urban Institutional EnvironmentJustin Hayes, UTyes
December 10, 2020Cancelled – Normally this meeting is an annual potluck and silent auctionCancelled this year due to public health risk

2019 Meetings

You’ll find topic descriptions and speaker information in the announcements for a given meeting date. Use the side menu on our Blog page to search by topic or speaker, or to scroll through the post archive by month.

2019 MeetingsPresentation TopicGuest Speaker
January 10, 2019Seasons at SelahDavid Langford
February 14, 2019Not the Same Old Deer-Resistant Native Plants
Speaker slides here.
Randy Pensabene
March 14, 2019TreeFolks – Travis County Floodplain Reforestation Program: a natural solution to contemporary problems
Speaker slides here.
Collin McMichael
April 11, 2019Promoting Habitat Restoration in Urban Areas
Speaker slides here.
Cheryl Lewis
May 9, 2019Rangeland EcologyDavid Riley of Plateau Wildlife
June 13, 2019Climate, Soils and Biodiversity: Unexpected RelationshipsDr. Michael Huston, TSU, San Marcos
July 11, 2019Annual Chapter Meeting,  Future Plans
August 8, 2019Front Yard Native Prairie
Speaker slides here.
Andrew Brazell
September 12, 2019Getting Started with Texas Native PlantsPanel discussion with chapter experts
October 10, 2019Unnatural TexasRobin Doughty and Matt Turner
November 14, 2019Seeds for Education and Outreach
Speaker slides here.
Minnette Marr, LBJWC Seed Bank
December 12, 2019Annual Potluck Social and Silent Auction

2018 Meetings

You’ll find topic descriptions and speaker information in the announcements for a given meeting date. Use the side menu on our Blog page to search by topic or speaker, or to scroll through the post archive by month.

2018 MeetingsPresentation TopicGuest Speaker
January 11, 2018Tree Talk: Mychorizza and Tree Health – Getting to the root of the issue Catrin Dubois, ISA certified arborist, Doleva Elite Tree
February 8, 2018Useful Native Plants of TexasScooter Cheatham, Useful Wild Plants, Inc.
March 8, 2018Top Natives for Novices & Plant Sale Preview NPSOT-Wilco chapter members
April 12, 2018Land & Habitat RestorationSelah / Bamberger Ranch Staff
May 10, 2018Tech Tools for Plant ID Tania Homayoun, Ph.D.,  Texas Nature Tracker Biologist, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
June 14, 2018Wildflowers of TexasMichael Eason
July 12, 2018Annual Election of Officers,  Plans
August 9, 2018Wildscaping with Texas Native PlantsKelly Simon, Urban Wildlife Biologist, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, author
September 13, 2018Fall Natives for Novices and Plant Sale PreviewNPSOT-Wilco chapter members
October 11, 2018TreesDenny Schey, ISA-certified arborist
November 8, 2018Native Texas Plants for Butterflies
Speaker handout here.
Lynne and Jim Weber, authors of Nature Watch Austin and Nature Watch Big Bend
December 13, 2018Annual Potluck Social and Silent Auction

2017 Meetings

You’ll find topic descriptions and speaker information in the announcements for a given meeting date. Use the side menu on our Blog page to search by topic or speaker, or to scroll through the post archive by month.

2017 MeetingsPresentation TopicGuest Speaker
January 12, 2017Garey Ranch Park Dave Melaas, City of Georgetown
February 9, 2017Native Trees: Selection and Maintenance for Your LandscapeApril T. Rose
March 9, 2017Tops ‘N WilCo: A survey of the best of and favorites in Texas native plants for your Williamson County landscapesBy NPSOT-Wilco members, presented by Bob Kamper
April 13, 2017Field Trips ‘R Usfeaturing a roundup from three completed county park 12-month plant surveys & other field trip highlights over the past several yearsPanel discussion with Field Trip Committee
May 11, 2017Tech Tools for Plant IdentificationBob Kamper
June 8, 2017How Might One (1) Become a Field Botanist and (2) Organize a Field Survey to Acquaint Oneself with the Local FloraLarry Fowler
July 13, 2017Annual Meeting: Program and Field Trips Brainstorming and Elections
August 10, 2017Gault School of Archaeological Research: Past, Present and Vision for the FutureDr. Clark Wernecke, Executive Director, Gault School of Archaeological Research
September 14, 2017Pollinators & Native Plants. Upcoming Planting Season & LBJ WFC Plant SaleSue Wiseman, Gary Bowers, and Barbara Wright
October 12, 2017The Undiscovered County: Unobserved and Unreported native Texas plants of Central TexasBill Carr, Professional Botanist
November 9, 2017Nature Watch: Big Bend. Information on what to see, when and where throughout the year in their new (2017) book on Big Bend National Park.Lynne and Jim Weber, authors of Nature Watch Austin
December 14, 2017Annual Potluck Social and Silent Auction

2016 Meetings

You’ll find topic descriptions and speaker information in the announcements for a given meeting date. Use the side menu on our Blog page to search by topic or speaker, or to scroll through the post archive by month.

2016 MeetingsPresentation TopicGuest Speaker
January 14, 2016Native Plants Expert PanelChapter members Kathy Galloway, Kathy Henderson, Randy Pensabene, Marilyn Perz and Sue Wiseman. Moderated by Dennis Perz.
February 11, 2016Propagating Native PlantsBarbara Wright, Wright’s Nursery
March 10, 2016Nature Watch: Discovering Native Plants and Animals Right Outside Your Door Lynne and Jim Weber, co-authors
April 14, 2016Rain GardensStephen Brueggerhoff
May 12, 2016Wildflower PhotographySteven Schwartzmann
June 9, 2016YuccasKaren Clary
July 14, 2016Annual Chapter Meeting
August 11, 2016Documenting Plant Diversity in Space and Time: The Role of Plant Specimens and HerbariaGeorge Yatskievych, Ph.D.
September 8, 2016Invasives (Heather Brewer McFarling) & Invasive Removal (Charles Newsom)Heather Brewer McFarling & Charles Newsom
October 13, 2016Microbiology of the Soil: Lessons LearnedDennis Perz
November 10, 2016NPSOT Symposium Highlights: Conservation and Climate ChangeKathy Galloway, Walt Henderson and Kathy Henderson
December 8, 2016Annual Potluck Social and Silent Auction

2015 Meetings

You’ll find topic descriptions and speaker information in the announcements for a given meeting date. Use the side menu on our Blog page to search by topic or speaker, or to scroll through the post archive by month.

2015 MeetingsPresentation TopicGuest Speaker
January 8, 2015Remarkable Plants of Texas: Uncommon Accounts of Our Common NativesMatt Warnock Turner, author
February 12, 2015The Value of Native PlantsAndrea Delong-Amaya, Director of Gardens and Growing, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
March 12, 2015Oak Wilt and Drought Emily Driscoll, Texas A&M Forest Service
April 9, 2015The State of Texas WaterAlyssa Burgin, Director, Texas Drought Project
May 14, 2015Falling for Native Plants Betsy Ross, Sustainable Growth Texas
June 11, 2015Really Weird Sex in the GardenDr. Flo Oxley
July 9, 2015Annual Chapter Meeting
August 13, 2015The Ever-Changing Landscape of Plant Scientific NamesArt Gibson
September 10, 2015Dragonflies of Texas Dr. John Abbott
October 8, 2015Native Plants: Natural MedicinesGrace Bryce
November 12, 2015Native Grasses of the Texas Hill CountryBrian Loflin, co-author
December 10, 2015Annual Potluck Social and Silent Auction

2014 Meetings

You’ll find topic descriptions and speaker information in the announcements for a given meeting date. Use the side menu on our Blog page to search by topic or speaker, or to scroll through the post archive by month.

2014 MeetingsPresentation TopicGuest Speaker
January 9, 2014Maximize Your Chapter PotentialNative Plant Society of Texas
February 13, 2014Redefining the New Beautiful: Landscape Conservation in the CityShae Luther, Education Resource Coordinator, City of Georgetown Conservation Services
March 13, 2014 Seed Saving for ConservationDr. Karen Clary, Program Manager, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
April 10, 2014Rain Gardens for ConservationFred M. Hall, Extension Agent, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Williamson County
May 8, 2014Saving the Prairies: Native Prairies Association of Texas in Travis County and BeyondPat Merkord, Executive Director, Native Prairies Association of Texas
June 12, 2014Gardens in Public Spaces: Georgetown Public Library Native Plant GardenDiane Sherrill, Owner, Native Earthscapes
July 10, 2014Annual Chapter Meeting
August 14, 2014Wildflowers: Seeds of Historyvideo presentation
September 11, 2014Plant Rescues: Experiences from the TrenchesEd Travis, Austin Chapter–Native Plant Society of Texas
October 9, 2014Native Plants – Native PeopleLeslie Bush, paleoethnobotanist and member Austin Chapter–Native Plant Society of Texas
November 13, 2014Monarch WatchCathy Downs, Bring Back the Monarchs chair, Native Plant Society of Texas
December 11, 2014Annual Potluck Social and Silent Auction

2013 and earlier

Information for earlier years is not available.

Program Admin Info / NPSOT-Wilco Guest Speakers:   a link to our speaker info form for planned topics.