NPSOT-Wilco volunteers bring their time & expertise to community gardens in Williamson County. Calls for volunteers are announced at chapter meetings and/or in posts published on our Blog.
Georgetown Public Library
Since 1998, at two different locations, NPSOT-Wilco has collaborated with the City of Georgetown and the Georgetown Public Library on native plant demonstration gardens at the library. The chapter designed the current native plant demonstration garden at the south entrance to the library and installed it in January 2014. The chapter continues to provide maintenance.
Brochures available at the library (and on our Dig Deeper page as a PDF download) identify the variety of drought tolerant native plants in the garden, which represent the beauty and character of Central Texas. The garden’s history was captured in this article published July 11, 2022 (Dropbox link).
Williamson County Pollinator Garden
The Pollinator Garden is a collaboration of the NPSOT-Wilco chapter, Good Water Master Naturalists, and Williamson County Waste Management, located at the entrance to the Williamson County Landfill, at the corner of FM 1660 and Landfill Road, in Hutto, TX (across the street from the Recycling Center at 101 Landfill Road). The garden includes a Monarch Waystation and is a Certified Texas Wildscape.
Volunteers help maintain the garden when the collaborating organizations announce a maintenance work day. Anyone interested is invited to help!
The NEST Butterfly Garden
This project was completed. There may be occasional need for maintenance. If you have questions, Contact Us.
In early 2019, the NPSOT-Williamson County Chapter received a request from The Georgetown Project’s NEST Empowerment Center (Nurturing, Empowering, Supporting for Tomorrow) to design and install a butterfly garden. The garden would be used by the students and staff for enjoyment and as a teaching tool. Desires included eye-catching plants for the main entrance bed that would attract and sustain butterflies in all stages and also attract hummingbirds.
The NEST is operated by The Georgetown Project, a local nonprofit providing services that support their mission: “A community where no child is hungry, hurt, alone, or rejected, and where all children and youth believe they are loved, respected and treated with dignity.” The NEST Empowerment Center is a safe haven after the bell rings offering basic needs, counseling, academic and enrichment support for GISD high school students who are homeless, at-risk or living in transition. Read about the project at this blog post.
Garey Park Bird Blind Native Landscape
This project was completed. There may be occasional need for maintenance. If you have questions, Contact Us.
The Garey Park Bird Blind is a collaboration between the City of Georgetown, the Good Water Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists, and NPSOT-Wilco.
NPSOT-Wilco facilitated the design and installation of the native landscape at the new bird blind built in 2018 in Garey Park, Georgetown. The team worked with our plant experts to help choose plants and decide other aspects about this highly visible community asset. NPSOT-Wilco provided the plants and installation, selecting plants that invite and support local and migrating birds. Read about the project at this blog post.