Field Trip: Critchfield Conservation Preserve

Critchfield Conservation Preserve 801 County Rd 344, Jarrell, Tx

What:   Critchfield Preserve Field Trip When:  Saturday, May 18, 2024, 9:30 am to Noon (no entry after 9:45 am) Where:  Critchfield Preserve, 801 CR 344, Jarrell, TX 78537 Directions: Take

Field Trip: Tree Walk at Rivery Park

Tree walk with Gary Bowers in Rivery Park, Georgetown (originally planned to be at Old Settlers Park, Round Rock). What: Tree Walk with Gary Bowers, learn about local trees and

Field Trip: UT’s Billie L Turner Plant Resources Center

The Billie L. Turner Plant Resources Center 110 Inner Campus Drive, Austin, TX

Updated July 11: Registration for this field trip is now closed. What:   Tour the Billie L Turner Plant Resources Center on the UT Austin campus. Limited to 20 participants. Sign

Volunteer: Peterson Community Garden

Peterson Community Garden 205 Hutto St, Hutto, Texas

Calling all Wacky Weeders! Join us at Peterson Community Garden in Hutto on Saturday, August 24, to give our friends there a hand. With all the rain, the garden has

Plant Rescue in NW Cedar Park

Location sent to those who sign up

Volunteer with us Saturday, September 7, from 8:00-10:30 in NW Cedar Park as we rescue limestone meadow plants such as Blackfoot Daisy (Melampodium leucanthum), Slender Greenthread (Thelesperma simplicifolium) and Texas Skeleton Plant