IN-PERSON NPSOT-Wilco Spring Native Plant Sale

Champion Park, Pecan Pavilions 3830 Brushy Creek Rd, Cedar Park, TX 78613, Tx

Shop for your favorite plants at our In-Person Native Plant Sale on April 6. And/or pick up your orders if you purchased plants online March 18-22. Find all the information

Volunteer: Plant Rescue in Round Rock

Location sent to those who sign up

Volunteer with us Sunday, April 7, from 8:30am-12:30pm in north Round Rock as we rescue plants such as Penstemon cobaea and Callirhoe involucrata var. lineariloba from a site prior to construction. There is street parking

Volunteer: Plant Rescue in Liberty Hill

Location sent to those who sign up

Volunteer with us Saturday, April 20th from 8:30am-Noon in west Liberty Hill as we rescue plants such as Prairie Beardtongue (Penstemon cobaea) from a 9 acre site prior to construction. There is street

Field Trip: Museo Benini and Middleton Ranch Hike

Museo Benini 3440 FM2147, Marble Falls, TX

Read important information in the announcement post at this link. What:   Museo Benini and Middleton Ranch Field Trip When:  Saturday, April 27, 2024 10:30 AM-11:30AM – Museo Benini (optional) 11:30

Volunteer: Plant Rescue in Round Rock

Location sent to those who sign up

Volunteer with us Sunday, April 28th, from 8:30-noon in north Round Rock as we rescue plants such as Delphinium carolinianum, Penstemon cobaea and Callirhoe involucrata var. lineariloba from a site prior to construction. There is a parking lot

Volunteer: Plant Rescue in Leander

Location sent to those who sign up

Volunteer with us Sunday, May 5th from 8:30-11:30 in Leander as we rescue plants such as White Milkwort (Polygala alba) and Prairie Clover (Dalea sp.) from a limestone site prior to construction.

Field Trip: Native Plant Hike at Russell Park

Russell Park 2101 County Rd 262, Georgetown

What:   Native Plant Hike at Russell Park When:  8:30 AM – 11:00 AM, Saturday, May 11, 2024 --> Please plan on arriving 10-15 mins early. Once we have everyone signed

Volunteer: Plant Rescue in SE Round Rock

Location sent to those who sign up

Volunteer with us Saturday, May 11, from 8:30-noon in SE Round Rock as we rescue prairie plants such as Pincushion Daisy (Gaillardia suavis) prior to construction. There is street parking near the site. Please

Volunteer: City of Georgetown Prairie

See all the details and the location in this announcement post published on May 10, 2024.  The ending time shown in this calendar event is a placeholder.