NPSOT-Williamson County Spring 2023 Native Plant Sale (LIVE and ONLINE!)

  • [3/9/2023: updated to show ONLINE sale’s first list available]
  • [3/16/2023: updated for LIVE sale’s first list.]
  • [3/18/2023: ONLINE store link added]
  • [3/23/2023: added note online sale is over]
  • [3/29/2023: updated LIVE sale’s plant list]

— by Randy Pensabene

Announcing the NPSOT-Williamson County Chapter’s Spring Native Plant Sale. Our fabulous native plant sale will be both LIVE and ONLINE! The LIVE in-person sale, and the plant pickup for the ONLINE sale, will be Saturday, April 1, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, at Williamson County’s Champion Park group pavilions, 3830 Brushy Creek Road, Cedar Park, TX 78613. It is free and open to the public, with no park fees.

The LIVE sale will include everything we usually offer in the spring: a vast array of large and small native flowers, grasses, groundcovers, vines, shrubs, ornamental trees, and shade trees. The ONLINE sale will include only 3/5-gallon native shrubs, ornamental trees, and shade trees.

We will bring a few extra 3/5-gallon plants to the LIVE sale, but to be sure you get what you want, please reserve your big plants through the ONLINE Native Plant Sale and pick them up at the LIVE Native Plant Sale. Ordering your large container plants through the ONLINE sale ensures that we bring what you want, and that your plants are reserved and waiting for you.

As the sale date gets nearer, we will provide plant lists for what we will have for each sale. The links to the online store and the live plant sale list are below. If we update either list before the sale, we’ll update this blog post and publish a new blog post to alert subscribers. Updated lists will have the new date in the upper left on page 2.

  • The ONLINE SALE is OVER. ONLINE Native Plant SaleBegins the morning of March 18 and runs through midnight March 22 (Pickup Saturday, April 1, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm).

IMPORTANT: See our page Spring 2023 Native Plant Sale for important details about both the LIVE and ONLINE sales. All information about both sales will be found on that page, including important dates and instructions that are not in this blog post. Click this link to read the entire page of information.  

We’ll update this post if we update any information in the sale page, and we’ll publish a new blog post to alert subscribers. (If you would like to subscribe, go to Get News.)

image of a bluebonnet
Bluebonnet, Lupinus texensis

Perfect weather, perfect day! THANK YOU!


— by Beth Erwin

NPSOT-Williamson County’s Native Plant Sale on Saturday, March 26th, turned out perfectly in so many ways. The weather was sunny and mild, our plant vendors showed up with tons of gorgeous native plants, and the volunteers were cheerful and hard-working. Then the customers showed up, and boy, did they show up!

Video by Phillip Pensabene.

Early bird shoppers came with the published plant list in hand. We had lots of wonderful native plants for everything from pollinators to songbirds to humans. We had trees, shrubs, flowering perennials and annuals, milkweeds, vines, grasses, sedges, and groundcovers. We had a great variety, and everyone enjoyed finding what they wanted.

image of plants for sale
Photo by Andy Goerdel.

Our volunteers helped customers choose a plant, find a specific plant, and told them more about their plant. They answered landscaping questions, carried plants, held customers’ plants while they went back for more and more plants. Boxes full of plants were ticketed, taken to a cashier’s table, and loaded into vehicles.

It was exciting! It went so smoothly, in large part to the pre-sale planning, prep work, training and practice our team leaders and volunteer workers did. Once sale day dawned, more terrific volunteers poured in. We were thrilled to have the Round Rock High School Plant Club members return to run our plant holding area. We were doubly lucky to have a group of enthusiastic students from Southwestern University’s Alpha Phi Omega chapter and instructors assisting this time. Our chapter volunteers really enjoyed interacting with the students, and best of all, several students from both groups expressed a desire to do it again.

image of plant sale
Photo by Cindy Chrisler.

We appreciate all the pots customers donated for our vendors to reuse to grow more beneficial native plants.

Our plant sale proceeds help fund our various nonprofit programs promoting the use of Texas native plants. Our primary focus is Williamson County, where we utilize the plant sale profits on community-enriching native plant-related projects.

Thank you to everyone for your kind-hearted support.
Beth Erwin and Randy Pensabene

plant sale panorama
Photo by Phillip Pensabene. Click to get the full effect!

Check out more plant sale photos in our Google Drive Photo Album.


UPDATED final plant list for March 26, 2022 Spring Plant Sale


The final final plant list for the Spring 2022 Plant Sale is at this link==> March 23 2022 PDF.  (Date is in the upper left corner on page 2.)   We do not expect to update the list again, but if we do, we’ll send a new blog post out to alert subscribers.

From Beth:
“Here is truly the final draft of the plant availability list.  Most notable are the additions of Dwarf Palmetto, Sabal minor and Devil’s Shoestring, Nolina lindeimeriana.  Both are in the five gallon size.  We only have two Nolina, but we have lots of Dwarf Palmetto.  There are a few things on the list that have a strike-through.  That means they will be a no-show, probably because they haven’t rooted well enough or really waked up enough to get on the trailer and come to the party.  Hope to see you Saturday morning.”

  • Find hours and location for the sale here.
  • Find extra descriptions of some of the plants being offered here.
  • Contact us with the form at this link.