— by Cindy Chrisler

Nearly thirty NPSOT-Williamson County members and guests toured Native Texas Nursery on the morning of February 5. Staff at the nursery were pleasantly surprised by the number of interested attendees, as they expected fewer than ten to turn out.
The group broke into two smaller groups to tour plastic shrouded greenhouses to see flats of seedlings, rows of “dry” plants such as agaves, and trees and shrubs in large containers. This impressive business supplies several NPSOT chapters, as well as landscaping services, with perennial forbs, shrubs and trees.
We were treated to an explanation about bringing native species from seeds or clones to outdoor-hardened plants ready for permanent homes. We watched employees preparing clones for propagation and loading trucks for transport, and learned quite a bit about running a thriving plant nursery.
See photos from this field trip and others in our album==>
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