— by Beth Erwin

A common statement among those who garden is “The deer eat everything I plant.” Deer are voracious consumers of leafy plants. If they don’t eat it, they will destroy it rubbing their antlers on it starting in late summer. It is discouraging.
At our Native Plant Sale September 25th, we will have several native grasses for sale and one species of sedge, which is grass-like in appearance. We live on the eastern edge of “The Great American (overgrazed) West.” The cattle, sheep, and goats of many generations of our predecessors were the over-grazers, not the deer. Except in very early spring when the grasses first emerge, deer will leave grass alone.
Today’s gardeners rarely understand, appreciate, or identify the importance of native grasses in our landscape. Unfamiliarity makes it hard to recognize the different species. At the sale, we are offering five species of native grasses, already identified for you. Bring them home, plant them, grow them, and learn to recognize them. And as you watch, you will be amazed at the number of insects that will take up residence among the blades. Hungry birds will come looking for those insects. And you will have begun to create a very rare habitat.
Site your new grasses so you can see the sunlight behind them. Or plant them where you need to slow down water runoff. We have one species, River Oats, that is very shade tolerant. Our sedge offering, known as Meadow or Webberville Sedge, will create a handsome short carpet in the shade. And best of all, the deer will leave them alone.
About the sale
The NPSOT-Wilco plant sale will be held September 25, 2021, at Berry Springs Park & Preserve, 1801 Co Rd 152, Georgetown, TX 78626 in the Main (Tonkawa) Pavilion. 10:00 AM—3:00 PM. (Note that the first plant walk being led by Ricky Linex begins at 9AM.) Cash, checks, and major credit cards accepted. We prefer that all customers wear masks and maintain social distance.
Click this link to find details about the sale and how to make special requests.
Plants to be offered as of September 16, 2021
The newest list is at this link September 16 PDF. The date is in the upper left corner on page 1. If we update the list again, we’ll send a new blog post out to alert subscribers.