The plant availability list with descriptions has been updated. Plants which have been dropped from the inventory are still listed but with lines through them.
==> See the Fall 2024 Native Plant Sale page for the link to the new list and other details about the sale.
The sale is Saturday, November 2, 2024, at Southwest Williamson County Regional Park, 3005 County Road 175, Leander, TX 78641. We will be in the pavilions (Boulder East and Boulder West) near the Quarry Splash Pad. Sale hours will be from 11:00 AM – 2 PM or until we run out of plants.
Of primary interest to some folks:
- There will be several Cotinus obovata (American Smoke Tree) in 3/5 gallon size available.
- New to the list of Monarch Butterfly larval plants, we will have Matelea biflora (Purple Milkweed Vine) from Williamson County rescue parent plants.
- Funastrum cynanchoides (Climbing Milkweed Vine) is now on the list.
- Lonicera albiflora (White Bush Honeysuckle) has been added. These plants are the offspring of Williamson County rescue plants. It has been many years since we have offered this plant.
Hope to see you at the sale Saturday starting at 11 AM.
We only sell Texas native plants, and we try to make sure everything we sell is well-adapted to grow in Williamson County.
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