— by Randy Pensabene
We’re pleased to announce that the link for our ONLINE ONLY Fall 2022 Plant Sale, where you can view and order* plants, is now available. The link has been added to our original announcement blog post with all the other plant sale details.
* Please note: if you click on the sale hotlink in the announcement before 12:00am October 8, you can view the plants which will be available but the shopping site will not accept your order until after 12:00 am October 8. This policy is in fairness to all.
[10/13 “closed” banner added, 10/7 shopping link added]
— by Randy Pensabene
The order window for this online-only plant sale has closed. (Window was Oct 8 through Oct 12.)
The NPSOT-Wilco chapter is excited to announce our ONLINE ONLY native plant sale this fall. We have acquired a superb selection of native trees and woody shrubs for you to choose from. Fall is the ideal time to plant in Texas! With the cooler temperatures and fall and spring rains, the plants will be putting down roots and getting established before our hot, dry summer arrives again.
To order some fabulous native plants, please click on https://npsot-wilco-plant-sale.square.site. [Note: if you click on the sale hotlink before 12:00am October 8, you can view the plants which will be available but the site will not accept your order until after 12:00 am October 8. This policy is in fairness to all.]
ONLINE sales will begin on the morning of October 8th and run through midnight on October 12th. The online form will require a valid credit card number to submit your order.
If you need to cancel any or all plants on your order, email us by midnight on October 12 at wilco-chapter@npsot.org.
If you want to purchase additional plants after you’ve completed an order, simply place a new, separate order for the additional plants only.
Plant orders must be picked up on Saturday, October 22, between 10:00 am and 2 pm. There are no onsite sales on this day.
Upon checkout, when you pay for your order, you will be asked to provide your email so we can send you a map and directions to the specific location at the Round Rock High School campus. (We use the email you provide for communications related to this plant sale only.)
Plants not picked up by yourself or your designee will be donated to the Round Rock High School Garden Club.
Please sign up on our blog if you want to stay informed about our plant sales and other chapter activities. Subscribe to the blog in the menu on the right-hand side of the blog/home page (or, if you are on a phone, the menu near the bottom of the page.) Look for “Submit My Sign Up!! We don’t share the list of subscribers with anyone; you don’t have to be a member; our emails are not excessive; and it is easy to unsubscribe.
— by Beth Erwin
NPSOT-Williamson County’s Native Plant Sale on Saturday, March 26th, turned out perfectly in so many ways. The weather was sunny and mild, our plant vendors showed up with tons of gorgeous native plants, and the volunteers were cheerful and hard-working. Then the customers showed up, and boy, did they show up!
Video by Phillip Pensabene.
Early bird shoppers came with the published plant list in hand. We had lots of wonderful native plants for everything from pollinators to songbirds to humans. We had trees, shrubs, flowering perennials and annuals, milkweeds, vines, grasses, sedges, and groundcovers. We had a great variety, and everyone enjoyed finding what they wanted.
Photo by Andy Goerdel.
Our volunteers helped customers choose a plant, find a specific plant, and told them more about their plant. They answered landscaping questions, carried plants, held customers’ plants while they went back for more and more plants. Boxes full of plants were ticketed, taken to a cashier’s table, and loaded into vehicles.
It was exciting! It went so smoothly, in large part to the pre-sale planning, prep work, training and practice our team leaders and volunteer workers did. Once sale day dawned, more terrific volunteers poured in. We were thrilled to have the Round Rock High School Plant Club members return to run our plant holding area. We were doubly lucky to have a group of enthusiastic students from Southwestern University’s Alpha Phi Omega chapter and instructors assisting this time. Our chapter volunteers really enjoyed interacting with the students, and best of all, several students from both groups expressed a desire to do it again.
Photo by Cindy Chrisler.
We appreciate all the pots customers donated for our vendors to reuse to grow more beneficial native plants.
Our plant sale proceeds help fund our various nonprofit programs promoting the use of Texas native plants. Our primary focus is Williamson County, where we utilize the plant sale profits on community-enriching native plant-related projects.
Thank you to everyone for your kind-hearted support. Beth Erwin and Randy Pensabene
Photo by Phillip Pensabene. Click to get the full effect!