October 10 Chapter Meeting: “Building a Future With Flowers: Lewisville’s Sustainable Solution” with TJ Gilmore

Join NPSOT-Williamson County on Thursday, October 10, 2024, when our featured topic will be “Building a Future With Flowers: Lewisville’s Sustainable Solution” with TJ Gilmore, mayor of Lewisville, Texas.  Our guest speaker will be joining us via Zoom from Lewisville.

The meeting begins at 7:00 PM.  TJ’s presentation will begin after a short business meeting. The meeting is free and open to the public.

==> This month, we meet at the Georgetown Public Library, 2nd Floor, 402 W 8th St, Georgetown, Texas 78626.  Come early (6:30 PM) for expert advice, to check out the seed swap board, or just to visit.

==> To attend via Zoom register at https://npsot-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcod-6rpj0vHNbqaLOu16d146ngFuPBxCTO#/registration

About our topic:  Want to know how to navigate getting your city leadership to invest in natives, avoid common political pitfalls, and identify several programs that can be replicated in your community? TJ Gilmore, mayor of Lewisville, Texas, will be providing all of that and more in his presentation.

About our speaker: Mayor TJ Gilmore is an Arizona native who’s been a Texas transplant since 2001. His service to the community stretches back to working on boards and commissions in 2004 until he was elected to city council in 2011 and became mayor in 2021. He’s married to his college sweetheart, has three recent college graduate children and can’t pass up watching a good Star Trek episode. TJ is always looking out for ways to leave the community better than he found it and loves how plants bring people together — even though he has a black thumb.

Blackfoot Daisy, Melampodium leucanthum
Blackfoot Daisy, Melampodium leucanthum. Photo by Bob Kamper.

At every meeting, we give away a book — about native plants or the meeting topic — to one randomly chosen in-person attendee!

Have an idea for a speaker?  Let Program Leader Susie Hickman know via  email to wilco-chapter@npsot.org.

NPSOT-Williamson County meetings are free and open to the public. We hope you attend!  Meetings may be in person, virtual, or both, so be sure to check details in the meeting announcement. Meetings are announced on our website, our calendar and Facebook. See upcoming topics on our page Wilco Home or on our Calendar.

Meeting Reminder September 12: “Rediscovering the MoKan Prairie” with Ashley Landry

Join NPSOT-Williamson County on Thursday, September 12, 2024, when the featured topic will be “Rediscovering the MoKan Prairie” with Ashley Landry.

  • Free and open to the public. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM. 
  • Our guest speaker’s presentation begins after a short business meeting.
  • This presentation will NOT be recorded for our YouTube channel.

Read about our topic and speaker in this meeting announcement.

==> This month, we meet at the Georgetown Parks & Rec Administration Building, 1101 N College St, Georgetown, Texas 78626.  Come early (6:30 PM) for expert advice, to check out the seed swap board, or just to visit.

==> To attend via Zoom register at https://npsot-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUocO2hrDIoHtJr04M8aO3xidbZhHQz09i7#/registration

At every meeting, we give away a book — about native plants or the meeting topic — to one randomly chosen in-person attendee!

Have an idea for a speaker?  Let Program Leader Susie Hickman know via  email to wilco-chapter@npsot.org.

NPSOT-Williamson County meetings are free and open to the public. We hope you attend!  Meetings may be in person, virtual, or both, so be sure to check details in the meeting announcement. Meetings are announced on our website, our calendar and Facebook. See upcoming topics on our page Wilco Home or on our Calendar.

Recording Available for August 8’s topic, “The Native Aquatic Plants of Texas” with Casey Williams

The video recording from our chapter meeting on August 8, 2024 featuring “The Native Aquatic Plants of Texas” with Casey Williams is now available on our YouTube channel. Casey’s presentation starts after a short chapter business meeting.

See more recorded topics on our YouTube channel. Like and Subscribe!

See our page Prior Guest Speakers for a list of past meeting topics by year.

Business slides for recent chapter meetings are here, listed by date. (If this particular meeting’s business slides were not added yet, they will be soon. Please check back later.)

NPSOT-Williamson County meetings are free and open to the public. We hope you attend!  Meetings may be in person, virtual, or both, so be sure to check details in the meeting announcement. Meetings are announced on our website, our calendar and Facebook.