- What: Tree Walk with Gary Bowers at Rivery Park, Georgetown.
- (This trip was originally planned to be at Old Settlers Park, Round Rock.)
- When: Saturday, June 29, 2024, 8:00 am to 10:00 am.
- Where: Meet at the Rivery Park parking lot, Georgetown, Texas.
- Google GPS location is 30.648088822636854, -97.68497180641552 or see this link.
- If navigating with the what3words app, use ///mixture.blog.drill.
NPSOT field trips are free and open to the public.
Learn about local trees and enjoy a lovely walk along the San Gabriel River. Please remember that even though it’s early, it’s still going to be very warm! Bring water, snacks, a hat and sunscreen to protect yourself. We’ll walk until it gets too hot, no more than a couple hours of easy strolling.
An Extra Invitation for You: On June 27 at 7pm, just a couple days before the tree walk, Gary Bowers will present The Trees of Williamson County at Good Water Master Naturalists’ monthly meeting. Gary gives this talk to a number of groups and is very knowledgeable about his trees! GWMN is extending an invitation to join their meeting by Zoom to hear Gary’s talk.
Gary’s presentation follows the business section of GWMN’s meeting agenda. It’s suggested that you join that evening no later than 6:55pm in order to hear Gary’s talk starting at 7pm. Register ahead of the meeting using this GWMN link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tf-uprz0uE9Tp-98Lsb72PJiUsIbtLfR5#/registration

See photos from other NPSOT field trips in our album=>