2024-2025 Chapter Board Election Info, Nominations & Dates

The following information was announced to attendees at the in-person chapter meeting held on June 13, 2024.

All elected NPSOT-Wilco Board positions for the term September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025, are open for nominations.  June 20 is the last day to submit a nomination for the ballot.

  • Elected board positions may have more than 1 nominee on the ballot.
  • You may nominate someone for a position even if we have a candidate listed.
  • You MUST obtain someone’s permission before nominating them.
  • Send nominations to wilco-chapter@npsot.org.
  • The ballot and voting instructions will be emailed to chapter members only in late June.
  • Results will be announced at our July 11 chapter meeting.

The final slate will be published in late June when we email ballots and voting instructions to chapter members. Only chapter members are eligible to vote. (Ballots will be sent to the member email addresses on file with the Society’s state office.  On the day we email the ballot to chapter members, we will publish a blog post alerting chapter members to check their email.)

Descriptions of elected and appointed board positions can be found near the bottom of the page Wilco Home in the section Chapter Documents -> Chapter Board Member Duties.

Current Nominees/Slate for Elected Positions

All currently elected board members are completing their 1st term office.

PositionOutgoing BoardCurrent Nominees
for 9/1/2024 to 8/31/2025
PresidentNancy CoppermanNancy Copperman
Vice PresidentGary BowersGary Bowers
SecretaryAnne AdamsAnne Adams
TreasurerMark StoetzerMark Stoetzer
DirectorTyson BartlettTyson Bartlett
DirectorChristie GardnerChristie Gardner
Not Subject to Election
Past PresidentBeth ErwinBeth Erwin

Schedule Recap:
June 13 – Nominations for elected offices are open & this initial slate announced at chapter meeting & in blog post
June 20 – Nominations for elected offices close
by June 24 – Ballot emailed to chapter members; blog post to alert members
July 8 – Last day to vote
July 11 – Election results announced at chapter meeting
Sept 1 – New board term begins

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