This volunteer effort, assisting the City of Georgetown with its project to convert a former landfill to prairie, was announced at the chapter meeting last night, May 9, 2024. More information will follow in the future. Meanwhile, if you are available on May 11, 2024, to help with planting see below for details.
— by Beth Erwin
Anyone wanting to join the volunteer group working Saturday, May 11 at the former City of Georgetown Landfill site (Mt. Trashmore) should be at the entry gate (red star on the map) at 9:00 AM Saturday.
It will be muddy. The area is covered with a thick layer of mulch. We will be pulling that back in places to expose the soil for planting. We will have fifty or so plants to put in Saturday. If you have a rake that will work in heavy mulch and a sharp shooter style shovel you are willing to bring, do so. Put your name on it.
There will be water for the volunteers. Otherwise: full sun, no grass or other vegetation present, muddy/wet in spots, possibly mosquitos. Gloves strongly recommended.
If you come up College Street on the east side of the San Gabriel River, don’t turn left and cross the bridge. Go straight to the entry gate.
If you come over the San Gabriel River bridge on College St, the gate is on your left at the end of the bridge.