Calling Citizen Scientists to help USGS Pollinator Research

News from the United States Geological Survey about a citizen science project (April to November 1, 2023) related to pollinator research:

“This is a pilot project encompassing 6 states: Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas. We are asking people to mail in already deceased butterflies, moths, or skippers in efforts to begin a USGS Scientific Collection to further research related to the decline in insect populations. All specimens received will be made available to other scientists within the U.S. Geological Survey to conduct research. To be able to answer specific regional questions, it is critical to receive specimens from a variety of locations. We appreciate any help you can provide related to distribution as it will help the success of the pilot project.” 

Find all the details in this USGS flyer: (hover over the image & click to expand it)

image of a flyer with information