January 12 Chapter Meeting (in-person and virtual): “Bicycling with Butterflies” with Sara Dykman


Join NPSOT-Williamson County on Thursday, January 12,  2023, for our first meeting of the new year.  Our featured topic will be Bicycling with Butterflies with author Sara Dykman.  Free and open to the public. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM.  Please note: this month’s speaker will be joining us via Zoom.

If you attend in person, we’re at the Georgetown Public Library, 2nd floor.  If you attend in person, you are giving consent to be videoed for Zoom and YouTube (if the meeting is to be posted on YouTube).

To attend via Zoom instead of in person, register at https://npsot-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkdeyurjItGtDES-FdrnUTxel7_bac0OZS

About our topic:  In 2017, Sara Dykman became the first person to bicycle the entire route of the migrating monarch butterfly. She will share stories from her trip, and offer insights into the science, humanity, and brilliance of the monarch migration.

image of bookcover

About our speaker:  Sara Dykman is the founder of beyondabook.org, which is a showcase for pushing boundaries. She hopes her own adventures—walking from Mexico to Canada, canoeing the Missouri River from source to sea, and cycling over 80,000 miles across North and South America —will empower young and old to dream big. Her dream is to go on an adventure with frogs and write a book about these most beloved creatures.

At every meeting, we give away a book — about native plants or the meeting topic — to one randomly chosen in-person meeting attendee and one Zoom attendee!

Have an idea for a speaker?  Let Program Leader Susie Hickman know via  email to wilco-chapter@npsot.org.

NPSOT-Williamson County meetings are free and open to the public. We hope you attend!  Meetings may be in person, virtual, or both, so be sure to check details in the meeting announcement. Meetings are announced on our website, our calendar and Facebook.