First draft of plant list for March 26, 2022 Spring Plant Sale


[3/22 post updated with link to the final plant list.]
See this post for the most recent plant list=> Save the Date post
The post below was published on Feb 28, 2022.


The first draft of our Spring 2022 Plant Sale list is here! We have several plants that are making their debut on this list.

The current plant list is at this link=>  February 27 2022 PDF. (If we update the list, we send a new blog post out to alert subscribers.) See other plant sale details here.

For those of you that like to grow your own food and browse your yard like a deer, we have two new plants that check that category. Prunus angustifolia, Chickasaw Plum will give you deliciously plum-scented flowers in early spring, and very tasty little red plums around August. Ribes aureum, Buffalo Currant, pops out spicy-scented golden flowers in April that turn into edible black currants in late summer. Both species’ fruits are also suitable for jams, jellies, and sauces. Birds will eat them if you don’t.

If a low-carb diet is more your thing, check out Pycnanthemum albescens, Whiteleaf Mountain Mint, Monarda fistulosa, Beebalm, and Salvia ballotiflora, Blue Bush Sage. The mints offer their signature flavorings. Blue Bush Sage is suggested as a substitute for oregano when seasoning meats. All are wildly popular with pollinators.

For those of you seeking the very rare, seldom available species, there is Aristolochia coryi, Cory’s Pipevine. This diminutive native of rock crevices in western Texas is a Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly host. We will be offering it in 6-inch hanging baskets, the better to observe the Dutchman’s pipe-shaped burgundy & yellow flowers.

Glamor in the perennial border will be yours in a few years with the addition of Baptisia sphaerocarpa, Wild Yellow Indigo. This showy legume will require patience on the gardener’s part as it grows to its mature 3 X 3 foot size but bragging rights will be yours from then on when it covers itself with golden flowers in early summer. The bumblebees will also be delighted with your choice.

These are just a few of the 109 species (at this point) that are on the list. Check it out!

If there is a TEXAS NATIVE PLANT you are seeking NOT on this list, please ask. It would be extremely helpful if you would include the botanical name or a link to a picture of the plant. We may be able to get it for you. We only deal with Texas native plants. If you request something that is not native to Texas, we will politely say so. This offer will end a week before the sale, but you can still ask.

EXCEPTION: 3-5 gallon/$30 plants. Typically, we only bring 4-5 of each species in that size. If you know you want several of a single species in that size, let us know so we can try to accommodate you.

  • Contact us with the form at this link.
  • Find hours and location for the sale here.


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