Chapter Fall Plant Sale, Online Only, Sept 22-28, 2023

[updated 9/12, end of ordering window clarified]

— by Beth Erwin

NPSOT-Williamson County will hold the chapter fall plant sale ONLINE ONLY once again.  You will be able to purchase plants starting at 12AM September 22, 2023 until 11:59PM September 28, 2023.  We will have the plants you purchased available for pick-up October 14, 2023 on the campus of Round Rock High School.

We are all weather-weary after enduring the hottest summer on the planet. We are being encouraged and, in some cases, forced, to reduce the use of water in our landscapes.  You are invited to take advantage of the many years of experience and knowledge that exists in the Williamson County Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas.  It underscores the plant choices we offer in our sale and is included in the culture tips and descriptions of every plant we offer.  This resource can be incredibly helpful for homeowners and gardeners looking to make sustainable choices in their landscapes.

The plant availability list with descriptions will be published on our website September 15th.

Updates about the sale will be published on our blog so check there for news. Or subscribe to the blog to receive a single automated email early the following morning after news is published.  See Get News to subscribe. 

image of plants in pots

Plant list updated for April 1’s LIVE native plant sale

See the updated list of plants expected to be on sale at our 2023 Spring Native Plant Sale.  NEW! ==> March 28 2023-LIVE-plant-sale-list

The latest version of our plant inventory includes the following changes.

  • These have been removed from the list:
  • Fraxinus albicans (Texas Ash)
  • Cornus drummondii (Rough Dogwood)
  • Ugnadia speciosa (Mexican Buckeye)
  • Salvia regla (Regal Sage)
  • Salvia romeriana (Cedar Sage)
  • Muhlenbergia dubia (Pine Muhley)
  • Carex texensis (Texas Sedge)
  • Scutellaria wrightii (Wright’s skullcap)
  • Merremia dissecta (Alamo vine)
  • Dalea aurea (Golden Dalea)
  • Newly added is Centaurea americana (American Basketflower)
  • Also, some of the plant sizes have changed. Some plants that were listed as available in 4” are now only in gallon sizes and vice versa.

The LIVE Native Plant Sale is Saturday, April 1, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at Champion Park group pavilions, 3830 Brushy Creek Road, Cedar Park, TX 78613.

IMPORTANT: See our page Spring 2023 Native Plant Sale for important details about both the LIVE and ONLINE sales that are not in this blog post.

If you have questions, send email to