— by Cindy Chrisler
NPSOT-Wilco visited the Godwin Ranch Preserve in Georgetown on Saturday, March 1, to conduct the first of four plant surveys. Nine members attended and spent a leisurely two hours walking a mowed path and occasionally venturing into meadows of mostly KR Bluestem.
Notable finds during this field trip included large stands of Nuttall’s Deathcamus in several areas, which will bloom in a month or so. Also blooming were Elbowbush, Ten-petal Anemone, and Tiny Bluets.
Participants were able to identify 48 species, including grasses, trees, and shrubs from the remains of last year’s growth. Survey results will be presented to the Texas Cave Management Association which manages the preserve.
Godwin Ranch Preserve was established as an ecological mitigation for the construction of Lakeline Mall and will never be developed. The next survey is scheduled for May 24.

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