Berry Creek Pipeline-December Public Meetings


— by Kathy McCormack

Wildflower meadow at Berry Springs Park and Preserve
Wildflower meadow at Berry Springs Park and Preserve

Regarding the proposed Berry Creek Wastewater Pipeline project, you may be interested in hearing the City of Georgetown presentation on Dec 11, and/or attending the public hearing on Dec 18.  We’ve been told that only one representative from each organization will be allowed to give public comment on Dec 18.  NPSOT-Wilco is in the process of developing our three minutes of public comment – please contact Gary Bowers (via or Kathy McCormack (via the form at this link) if you have input for consideration.

Below is the proposed timeline for the three December meetings at the Williamson County Commissioner’s Court for discussion and possible action regarding the Berry Creek Wastewater Pipeline project (100-foot wide construction zone followed by a permanent 50-foot wide easement through the length of Berry Springs Park and Preserve).

(Note: although the date of the first meeting listed below is past, its detail is included for your awareness relative to the timeline.)

Tuesday, 12/4/2018

– Agenda item #38 to discuss and take action on setting a public hearing on Tuesday, 12/18/18 at 9:30 am in the Williamson County Commissioners Courtroom, 710 Main St, Georgetown, TX 78626.

Tuesday, 12/11/2018

– The City of Georgetown plans to attend the Commissioners Court meeting to discuss the project.  There will be an opportunity for public comment (3 minutes each) at the beginning of the Court meeting as we do each week.

– Betsy Ross may also make a presentation or at least be there to discuss the concepts of restoration along the proposed alignment.

Tuesday, 12/18/2018

– If approved on 12/4/18, there will be a public hearing to start as close to 10 am as possible but not before.

– The agenda will include an action item to vote on the project alignment through the park.