Volunteer: Running Brushy Middle School Wildflower Seed Stomp, Wednesday, December 6, 4:30 PM

— by Beth Erwin

Running Brushy Middle School’s Wildflower Seed Stomp is on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 4:30 PM, at 2303 N. Lakeline Blvd., Cedar Park, TX.

Our NPSOT chapter is providing support for this Leander ISD student project.  We need some volunteers to show up at the school Wednesday afternoon to help monitor the wildflower seed dispersal and stomping.  This will take place in front of the school, between the main entrance parking lot and Lakeline Blvd.  Part of the area has recently been disturbed with utility work and is mostly bare ground.  Around the edges, there are some native species that do not need to be stomped.

There is a lot of enthusiasm among the student body for this event.  If you can come help, please join us.  You will be protecting bluebonnet seedlings, four-nerve daisies, Blackfoot daisies and some other native species that are present. 

Please wear your NPSOT name tag if you have one.  Because of school pick-up traffic, it would be better to arrive a few minutes after 4:30.

If you have questions, please send us an email at wilco-chapter@npsot.org.

TWA Family Expeditions Program – Oct and Nov events for ages 9-17

News from the Texas Wildlife Association:

TWA’s Family Land, Water & Wildlife Expeditions Program is hosting events this fall for youth ages 9-17 and an accompanying adult.

On Saturday, October 28 TWA will host a Native Plant Workshop in New Braunfels, TX. Participants will learn alongside volunteers and natural resource experts about prairie restoration, the role of fire in our ecosystems, citizen science, and experience a variety of activities surrounding native plants. Folks will be sent home with plenty of resources to continue to explore native plants long after the event.

On Saturday, November 11 TWA will host a Birding 101 experience in Richmond, TX. Participants will learn alongside volunteers and mentors about bird adaptations, bird habitat, birding basics, binoculars 101, how to use citizen science apps and more! Participants will also go birding alongside experienced birders. Folks will be sent home with resources to continue to sharpen their birding skills.

For more information on the program and to stay on top of upcoming events, visit: https://www.texas-wildlife.org/family-land-water-wildlife-expeditions/

(This is not a NPSOT event.)

Two events on April 22: Round Rock Earth Day Festival, and the Georgetown Family Nature Fest at Garey Park

The Round Rock Earth Day Festival is Saturday, April 22, 2023, 9am-12pm, at Yonders Point, at Old Settlers Park, 3103 Aten Loop, Round Rock.

The Georgetown Family Nature Fest is Saturday, April 22, 2023, 1pm-4pm, at Garey Park, 6450 RM 2243, Georgetown, TX 78628. 

The NPSOT-Williamson County Chapter will be giving away (Yes, FREE!) Texas native plants at both locations. We will have Orange Butterflyweed to feed those hungry Monarch butterfly caterpillars and Golden Crownbeard, Plains Coreopsis and Hill Country Rainlilies to feed adult butterflies and other pollinator species.