TWA Family Expeditions Program – Oct and Nov events for ages 9-17

News from the Texas Wildlife Association:

TWA’s Family Land, Water & Wildlife Expeditions Program is hosting events this fall for youth ages 9-17 and an accompanying adult.

On Saturday, October 28 TWA will host a Native Plant Workshop in New Braunfels, TX. Participants will learn alongside volunteers and natural resource experts about prairie restoration, the role of fire in our ecosystems, citizen science, and experience a variety of activities surrounding native plants. Folks will be sent home with plenty of resources to continue to explore native plants long after the event.

On Saturday, November 11 TWA will host a Birding 101 experience in Richmond, TX. Participants will learn alongside volunteers and mentors about bird adaptations, bird habitat, birding basics, binoculars 101, how to use citizen science apps and more! Participants will also go birding alongside experienced birders. Folks will be sent home with resources to continue to sharpen their birding skills.

For more information on the program and to stay on top of upcoming events, visit:

(This is not a NPSOT event.)

Balcones Canyonlands, “Wildflower Wander” & other guided hiking trips

News from Friends of Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge:

In April, we are holding a new event, the Wildflower Wander, to help people learn about wildflowers, as well as learn about identifying plants and the importance of native plants.   Here is the event registration page and information for Wildflower Wander:

We also have a number of other fun April events. (See the full calendar here.)

  • Saturday, April 1, 10 AM
    • Wildflower Wander – Explore the Beauty of Wildflowers at Doeskin Ranch!
    • Register here
  • Sunday, April 2, 9 AM
    • Martin Tract Guided Hiking Tour – Adventure behind-the-scenes at the wildlife refuge with a hike on the Martin Tract!
    • Register here
  • Saturday, April 8, 7:30 AM
    • Birding Walk with Sherry Bixler – Meet our feathered friends with a birding walk at Doeskin Ranch!
    • Register here
  • Friday, April 14, 7:00 AM
    • Warbler Vista Guided Hiking Tour – Have a relaxing start to your Friday with an early morning walk through Warbler Vista!
    • Register here
  • Friday, April 21 through Sunday, April 23
    • Songbird Festival – Small group birding tours through Hill Country – the Texas Hill Country has long been a favorite spot known for its unique terrain and bountiful wildlife. Migrating birds also consider the Texas Hill Country a favorite as it serves as an important waystation where they can rest, nest and gather strength for their journey.
    • Multiple days & registration opportunities here
  • Saturday, April 22, 1:00 PM
    • Earth Day Guided Hiking Tour at Doeskin (Indiangrass Trail) – Celebrate Earth Day by taking in views at the top of Rim Rock, and the flora and fauna along Indiangrass trail!
    • Register here
  • Saturday, April 29, 8:00 AM
    • Igau Tract Guided Hiking Tour – Adventure behind-the-scenes of the Refuge for the day, with an 8-mile hike on our Igau Tract!
    • Register here

(This is not a NPSOT event.)

TWA Land, Water & Wildlife Expeditions-Birding Experience for Youth, Ages 11-17


Texas Wildlife Association’s Family Land, Water & Wildlife Expeditions (LWWE) Program engages youth ages 11-17 and a parent/guardian on 1-to-3 day introductory outdoor experiences on private land. These experiences are facilitated by trained mentors, volunteers, and natural resource experts to introduce participants to conservation, recreation, and land stewardship.

LWWE will host a 2-day birding experience for youth ages 11-17 and one parent/guardian in Wimberley, TX, November 19-20, 2022.  This program will include instruction on how to use optics, birding practices, bird habitat, and how to use citizen science applications. Participants will have the opportunity to learn alongside experienced birders in the field where they will develop their knowledge and skills.

This is an overnight tent camping event.  The cost to participate is $100 per family (youth/adult pair). Meals, snacks, beverages, and supplies will be provided.

To apply, complete the TWA form at this link: Space is limited!

If you have questions or difficulty with the application, contact Family LWWE Program Coordinator, Chad Timmons: