President Nancy Copperman announced the officers who will hold elected positions for 2024-2025 and also presented NPSOT pins to folks celebrating milestone years of membership in the Society. If you reached a milestone year and were not able to attend the meeting, your pin will be delivered to you another way. (The meeting’s business slides are here.)
The evening ended with a presentation by Randy Pensabene and Gary Bowers about a new chapter project — the Williamson County native plant database! See the meeting’s YouTube video to learn more. (The project discussion starts at 21:34 minutes in.)
Below: Four of seven officers on the board for 2024-2025. Gary Bowers, Beth Erwin, Anne Adams, Mark Stoetzer. (Not shown: Nancy Copperman, Tyson Bartlett, Christie Gardner)

NPSOT Membership Milestone Anniversaries
Celebrating 5 years!

10 years!!

25 years!!!

And 30 years!!!!

NPSOT-Williamson County meetings are free and open to the public. We hope you attend! Meetings may be in person, virtual, or both, so be sure to check details in the meeting announcement. Meetings are announced on our website, our calendar and Facebook. See upcoming topics on our page Wilco Home or on our Calendar.