Links to other websites that can help you identify plants:
- LBJWC NPIN – the Plants database page at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center web site
- Benny Simpson’s Native Texas Shrubs– a searchable database hosted at Texas A&M
- Benny Simpson’s Texas Trees– Native Trees database hosted at Texas A&M
- Central Region Seedling ID Guide for Native Prairie Plants – from USDA-NCRS (National Resources Conservation Service), a downloadable PDF to help identify native plants; includes color images (doc from 2005, last accessed 2023)
- iNaturalist – welcomes you to connect with others to help identify what you’re seeing
- Plants guidance by Texas Ecoregion – Texas Plant Information Database at Parks and Wildlife Department web page
- USDA Plants Database – Federal government site, includes exotics and invasives information
- Grow Green searchable interface – City of Austin publication. Note: you must choose to filter by native plants in order to avoid exotics, some of which are invasive.
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