November 9 Chapter Meeting: “Rare Plants of Williamson County” with Bill Carr

Post updated 10/20/2023, with a new title and an updated topic description from our speaker.

Please note: our in-person location this month is the Round Rock Public Library, not the Georgetown Public Library.

Join NPSOT-Williamson County on Thursday, November 9, 2023, when our featured topic will be “Rare Plants of Williamson County” with Bill Carr.  Free and open to the public. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM.  Our guest speaker’s presentation begins after a short business meeting.

This month’s presentation will NOT be recorded for YouTube.

==> If you attend in person, we’re at the Round Rock Public Library, 200 E Liberty Ave, Round Rock, TX 78664.  Come early (6:30 PM) for expert advice, to check out the seed swap board, or just to visit.

==> To attend via Zoom, register at

About our topic: Although every plant is interesting in its own way, this talk will focus on some of the rare species known from Williamson County, including some that were reported from the area within the past few years, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Art Gibson* and others. This information will be provided within the natural regions framework in the hope that it will help others appreciate the botanical diversity in their neighborhoods.

* Note from NPSOT-Wilco => Dr. Art Gibson is a long-time chapter member!

About our speaker: Bill Carr received a B. S. in botany from The Ohio State University in December 1978 and wasted no time moving to Texas, settling in Alpine in January 1979 before eventually relocating to Austin. He spent 35 years doing field work for Texas plant conservation programs, first with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and later with The Nature Conservancy of Texas. After leaving TNCT in 2011, he formed his own company, Acme Botanical Services, to continue to help private landowners with plant conservation efforts. Bill is now working part-time as a file clerk at the Billie L. Turner Plant Resources Center at the University of Texas at Austin, the herbarium to which he contributed about 25,000 specimens during his field career.

At every meeting, we give away a book — about native plants or the meeting topic — to one randomly chosen in-person attendee!

Have an idea for a speaker?  Let Program Leader Susie Hickman know via  email to

NPSOT-Williamson County meetings are free and open to the public. We hope you attend!  Meetings may be in person, virtual, or both, so be sure to check details in the meeting announcement. Meetings are announced on our website, our calendar and Facebook. See upcoming topics on our page Wilco Home or on our Calendar.

Meeting Reminder: Oct 12, “Williamson County’s Native Plant Rescue Project” with Ashley Landry

Please note: our in-person location this month is the Georgetown Parks & Rec Administration Building, not the Georgetown Public Library.

This month’s presentation will NOT be recorded for YouTube.

Join NPSOT-Williamson County on Thursday, October 12, 2023, when our featured topic will be Williamson County’s Native Plant Rescue Project with Ashley Landry.  Free and open to the public. We begin at 7:00 PM with a short business meeting followed by our guest speaker’s presentation. Read more about this month’s topic in our previous meeting announcement.

==> If you attend in person, we’re at the Georgetown Parks & Rec Administration Building, 1101 N College St, Georgetown, Texas 78626.  Come early (6:30 PM) for expert advice, to check out the seed swap board, or just to visit.

==> To attend via Zoom instead of in person, register at

At every meeting, we give away a book — about native plants or the meeting topic — to one randomly chosen in-person attendee!

Have an idea for a speaker?  Let Program Leader Susie Hickman know via  email to

NPSOT-Williamson County meetings are free and open to the public. We hope you attend!  Meetings may be in person, virtual, or both, so be sure to check details in the meeting announcement. Meetings are announced on our website, our calendar and Facebook. See info about upcoming topics on our page Wilco Home.

October 12 Chapter Meeting: “Williamson County’s Native Plant Rescue Project” with Ashley Landry

Please note: our in-person location this month is the Georgetown Parks & Rec Administration Building, not the Georgetown Public Library.

Join NPSOT-Williamson County on Thursday, October 12, 2023, when our featured topic will be Williamson County’s Native Plant Rescue Project with Ashley Landry.  Free and open to the public. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM.  Our guest speaker’s presentation begins after a short business meeting.

This month’s presentation will NOT be recorded for YouTube.

==> If you attend in person, we’re at the Georgetown Parks & Rec Administration Building, 1101 N College St, Georgetown, Texas 78626.  Come early (6:30 PM) for expert advice, to check out the seed swap board, or just to visit.

==> To attend via Zoom, register at


About our topic: The Native Plant Rescue Project of Williamson County has hosted over 45 plant rescues and rescued over 225 species of native plants since the creation of the project in 2022. As a joint project of the Native Plant Society of Texas-Williamson County Chapter and the Good Water TX Master Naturalist chapter, the project works with developers to ethically rescue unusual native plants and transfer them to growers and conservation partners. Come learn about how the project was created and about some of their conservation successes.

About our speaker: Ashley Landry is a member of the Williamson County Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas, a Texas Master Naturalist and the creator of the Native Plant Rescue Project. As a Texas Master Naturalist, she has a background in acoustic monitoring and sound analysis, which she used to conduct acoustic surveys for The Williamson County Conservation Foundation. She is also a self-taught, plant-obsessed citizen scientist and loves to search out and save the unusual native plants in Williamson County.

At every meeting, we give away a book — about native plants or the meeting topic — to one randomly chosen in-person attendee!

Have an idea for a speaker?  Let Program Leader Susie Hickman know via  email to

NPSOT-Williamson County meetings are free and open to the public. We hope you attend!  Meetings may be in person, virtual, or both, so be sure to check details in the meeting announcement. Meetings are announced on our website, our calendar and Facebook. See upcoming topics on our page Wilco Home or on our Calendar.
