Trip Report: Hidden Springs Preserve on August 3, 2024

— by Cindy Chrisler

It was hot but green at Hidden Springs Preserve, where NPSOT-Wilco members conducted the 11th plant survey of the 12 planned for this location. A rainy July kept vegetation green in spite of the summer heat.   

Three new members joined four field trip committee members to conduct the survey.  The seven participants ventured to a pond in the north central part of the preserve, and observed such species as Texas Bluebells, Snow on the Mountain, Buttonbush, and Humped Bladderwort.  Blackfoot Daisy, horse crippler and prickly pear cacti, sideoats gramma, two leaf senna, and Dakota mock vervain were also observed. The remote area that was explored and the abundance of species found engaged the group for more than the two hours scheduled for the field trip.

In 2021, the NPSOT-Wilco Field Trip Committee was invited to conduct a plant survey at Williamson County’s Hidden Springs Preserve (not open to the public). The result was the committee’s plan to visit the property every calendar month of the year over a 2-3 year period. The 12th and last plant survey for Hidden Springs Preserve will take place in September.

Photos by Cindy Chrisler

See photos from this field trip and others in our album=>

See field trip plans on our Home page.

Field Trip: Hidden Springs Preserve Plant Survey #11, Saturday, August 3, 2024

image of a sign

— by Kathy Galloway

  • What:   Hidden Springs Preserve Field Trip, Plant Survey 11 of 12
  • When:  8:00 AM – 10:30 AM, Saturday, August 3, 2024
    • Please plan on arriving by 8:15 AM. There is a padlock on the front gate and it will be locked shortly after 8:15 AM.
  • Where:  978 CR 224, Florence, TX.
  • Our field trip is free and open to the public, BUT
    • The preserve is not open to the general public.  See important details later in this post.

We’re continuing our plant survey work with plant survey #11.

Be prepared for extensive walking on uneven, open terrain. Wear sturdy walking shoes, a hat, and sunscreen, and bring water, field guides, and something to take notes on and with. Members at all plant knowledge levels can help on survey field trips. Beginners are welcome!

Please plan on arriving by 8:15 AM – there is a padlock on the front gate, and it will be locked shortly after 8:15 AM

Reservations are not required. Please feel free to contact the Field Trip Committee (contact form here) beforehand if you have any questions.


  • Take IH-35 north to Exit 266 (Florence/Killeen/195).
  • Turn left and follow SH 195 toward Florence.
  • Go through Florence, take the TX 138 exit (you will be near the City of Florence’s water tower with the bison on it), and then turn left onto TX 138.
  • After a little over two miles, turn right onto CR 224.
  • After about half a mile, at the fork in the road, bear to the left and stay on CR 224. Note that a car GPS system may indicate that you should bear to the right – this is incorrect.
  • After another half a mile, look for a green metal gate on your right (north side of street). There is a large wooden sign “Hidden Springs” sign between two flagpoles behind the fence. The address is 978 County Road 224, Florence, TX, but there is no number on the gate. (The gate is across the street from 981 CR 224.)
  • When you arrive, directions will be given as to where to park.

See photos from our earlier survey trips to Hidden Springs Preserve.

Field Trip: UT’s Billie L Turner Plant Resources Center (herbaria) on July 20, 2024

— by Kathy Galloway

Post updated July 11: Registration for this field trip is now closed.

This field trip is limited to 20 participants. Sign up with the form in this post.

We will meet no later than 9:45 am at the west side of the University of Texas Tower (Main Building) so that we can start the field trip as close as possible to 10:00 am. For those that register, we will provide a map with recommended parking (San Antonio Parking Garage (2420 San Antonio)) and the Tower marked.

Please allow enough time from your starting point for driving to Austin, parking, and walking to the Tower so you are sure to arrive by 9:45 am.

About registration:
– After you submit the registration form, you’ll be contacted by the Field Trip Committee with confirmation about your requested space(s). (If you do not hear back within a day or so, send an email to
– If you need to cancel your registration or update your info after you’ve submitted the form, please send an email as soon as possible to
=>> Click here for the signup form <<=

If you have questions before the trip, contact the Field Trip Committee here.

See photos from other field trips ==>
