— by Cindy Chrisler

It was hot but green at Hidden Springs Preserve, where NPSOT-Wilco members conducted the 11th plant survey of the 12 planned for this location. A rainy July kept vegetation green in spite of the summer heat.
Three new members joined four field trip committee members to conduct the survey. The seven participants ventured to a pond in the north central part of the preserve, and observed such species as Texas Bluebells, Snow on the Mountain, Buttonbush, and Humped Bladderwort. Blackfoot Daisy, horse crippler and prickly pear cacti, sideoats gramma, two leaf senna, and Dakota mock vervain were also observed. The remote area that was explored and the abundance of species found engaged the group for more than the two hours scheduled for the field trip.
In 2021, the NPSOT-Wilco Field Trip Committee was invited to conduct a plant survey at Williamson County’s Hidden Springs Preserve (not open to the public). The result was the committee’s plan to visit the property every calendar month of the year over a 2-3 year period. The 12th and last plant survey for Hidden Springs Preserve will take place in September.
Photos by Cindy Chrisler
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