Ricky Linex and the Sept 25 NPSOT-Wilco Fall Native Plant Sale


— by Beth Erwin

We are excited to announce we will have a guest star with us for our fall plant sale on September 25, 2021 at Berry Springs Park & Preserve (inventory news later in this post).  Ricky Linex, author of Range Plants of North Central Texas will be on hand during our sale.

Ricky’s book is an indispensable manual for landowners in central Texas. Identifying the plant is one thing. The excellent photos help you there. But understanding why a plant is or isn’t there, and how that affects your management goals is information not easy to come by. We will have a limited number of copies available for sale at $25 each and Ricky will be happy to sign them, or your already-acquired copy.

In addition to being on hand to answer questions, Ricky will lead two walks on the park grounds. The first walk will start at the Birthday Pavilion at 9AM. The second walk will be at 11AM. Walks are limited to 15 people.

At 1PM, Ricky will speak at the Tonkawa Pavilion on “Native Plants, Pollinators” and “Thanksgiving, a Time for Reflection, Appreciation and Thanks.” He will discuss the importance of native plants for livestock forage, native plants for all species of wildlife and how pollinators are so vitally important for the survival of flowering plants.

We are aware that we have lots of new landowners with questions about how to manage their land for the love of Texas and the rest of the planet. We also have folks who have acquired land with the intention of homesteading with the same ideals. It is our hope that they will take advantage of having an expert on hand for the day and come with their questions. If you know someone like that, pass on this information.

About the sale

The NPSOT-Wilco plant sale will be held September 25, 2021, at Berry Springs Park & Preserve, 1801 Co Rd 152, Georgetown, TX 78626 in the Main (Tonkawa) Pavilion.  10:00 AM—3:00 PM.  (Note that Ricky’s first walk begins at 9AM.) Cash, checks, and major credit cards accepted.  We prefer that all customers wear masks and maintain social distance.

Plants to be offered

We have an initial list of plants to be offered at the sale.  Find the current list at this link.  If we update the list, we’ll send a new blog post out to alert subscribers.


Report from Hidden Springs Preserve


image of a group of people

— by Kathy Galloway

Saturday early morning on July 10…    It started with lots of rain, but 16 intrepid plant people braved the elements and it did not dampen their enthusiasm.  Everyone headed to Hidden Springs Preserve for this month’s field trip.

We divided into two groups and surveyed about one half-mile along the driveway of the first 300 acres of this total 900-acre property.  We found a diverse group of plants to identify on the limestone cut plains soil.  Due to the July rains lots of plants were still in bloom, including Mountain Pinks in abundance and Wooly Iron Weed. We found many new plants and some that still need to be identified.  We saw White Rosinweed and we had not found this particular plant in any of the other Williamson County Parks.

This was our second of twelve field trips to this preserve. We will visit this property every calendar month of the year.   It may take 2-3 years to complete the entire plant list.  When we have a date for the next trip to Hidden Springs, we’ll announce it in a blog post and on Facebook, and we’ll put the information on our Field Trip web page.  (And remember, people with all levels of experience and inexperience are welcome!)

You’ll find photos from the July 10, 2021 field trip to Hidden Springs at this link in our Field Trip Album on Google Photos.

You can download the current version of the plant list at this link (or navigate to it via Photos-> Plant Surveys-> Hidden Springs Plant List).


Field Trip on Saturday, July 10, 2021, Hidden Springs Preserve


image of a sign

— by Kathy Galloway

  • What:   Hidden Springs Preserve Field Trip
  • When:  8:00am-11:30am, Saturday, July 10, 2021
  • Where:  978 CR 224, Florence, TX.    The preserve is not open to the general public.  See important details later in this post.

The Native Plant Society of Texas – Williamson County Chapter’s Field Trip Committee has been offered an opportunity to do a multi-year plant survey at the future WilCo Hidden Springs Preserve (HSP).  In the beginning, we will focus on the southern portion of the property (i.e., between the front gate and the ranch house) for several reasons, including ease of access and looking for special plants that the county would want to know about before that area is developed. Later on, we may venture into the northern portion of the property.

People at all levels of plant knowledge can help on survey field trips. The trips are a great way to see native plants in their habitats and learn with other members.  Beginners are welcome!  Read more about survey field trips at this link.

Be prepared for extensive walking on uneven, open terrain. Wear sturdy walking shoes, a hat, and sunscreen, and bring water, field guides, and something to take notes on and with. A restroom is available in the ranch house.

Please plan on arriving by 8:00 — there is a padlock on the front gate, and it will be locked shortly after 8:15.  Reservations are not required.  Please feel free to contact Kathy Galloway (contact form here) if you have any questions.

We will be following CDC guidelines. If you are not fully vaccinated, please bring a mask to wear inside the ranch house.


  • Take IH-35 north to Exit 266 (Florence/Killeen/195).
  • Turn left and follow SH 195 toward Florence.
  • Go through Florence, take the TX 138 exit (you will be near the City of Florence’s water tower with the bison on it), and then turn left onto TX 138.
  • Continue straight through the four-way stop at the intersection with Business 195, and after a little over two miles, turn right onto CR 224.
  • After about half a mile, at the fork in the road, bear to the left and stay on CR 224. Note that a car GPS system may indicate that you should bear to the right – this is incorrect.
  • After another half a mile, look for a green metal gate on your right (north side of street). There is a large wooden sign “Hidden Springs” sign between two flagpoles behind the fence. The address is 978 County Road 224, Florence, TX, but there is no number on the gate. (The gate is across the street from 981 CR 224.)
  • When you arrive, directions will be given as to where to park.