News from the Association of Nature & Forest Therapy. (This is NOT a NPSOT event.)

NPSOT-Williamson County Chapter
Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT-Wilco)
The Round Rock Earth Day Festival is Saturday, April 22, 2023, 9am-12pm, at Yonders Point, at Old Settlers Park, 3103 Aten Loop, Round Rock.
The Georgetown Family Nature Fest is Saturday, April 22, 2023, 1pm-4pm, at Garey Park, 6450 RM 2243, Georgetown, TX 78628.
The NPSOT-Williamson County Chapter will be giving away (Yes, FREE!) Texas native plants at both locations. We will have Orange Butterflyweed to feed those hungry Monarch butterfly caterpillars and Golden Crownbeard, Plains Coreopsis and Hill Country Rainlilies to feed adult butterflies and other pollinator species.
In April, we are holding a new event, the Wildflower Wander, to help people learn about wildflowers, as well as learn about identifying plants and the importance of native plants. Here is the event registration page and information for Wildflower Wander:
(This is not a NPSOT event.)