— by Beth Erwin
We hope you join us at NPSOT-Wilco’s annual year-end gathering and silent auction, Thursday, December 12, 2024. Guests are welcome! Among the festivities is a plant give-away.
We’ll have Echinacea paradoxa (Yellow Coneflower), Chrysactinia mexicana (Damianita), Muhlenbergia lindheimeri (Big Muhley Grass) and Dalea greggii (Gregg’s Dalea). (Gregg’s Dalea and Big Muhley are in the same picture below.)

Plants already donated for the silent auction are Nolina lindheimeri (Lindheimer’s Nolina), Hesperocyparis arizonica (Arizona Cypress), and Zanthoxylum hirsutum (Texas Hercule’s Club).

In-person only! Check in begins at 6:30pm. The meeting starts at 7:00pm. We meet at the Georgetown Public Library, 2nd floor, 402 West 8th St, Georgetown, TX 78626.
- Hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be provided by the chapter. (No dinner. This is NOT a potluck.)
- Bring your silent auction items! The auction is a fun way to pass along something you’re ready to part with while you bid on items you can’t resist.
- We’ll have bid sheets available at the meeting for your items, or download them from this link and bring them along.
- The chapter spending plan will be presented during a brief business meeting.