Volunteer: Round Rock’s Earth Day Festival, Apr 12

Volunteer for the City of Round Rock’s Earth Day Festival, at Memorial Park, 600 N Lee St, Round Rock, TX 78664, on April 12, 2025. Promote Texas native plants at this free event which is geared towards all ages and with a wide variety of activities and services creating awareness regarding Earth Day. NPSOT-Wilco will have an educational tabling event and a plant giveaway.

The event is from 9am-12pm. NPSOT volunteers shifts run from 8:30am-12:30pm. You can volunteer for the whole day, or for any of the shifts. Details are in the sign up form.

Sign up to volunteer with NPSOT by completing the volunteer form at this link.

Read about the festival here: City of Round Rock’s Earth Day Festival.

Trip Report: Found! Texabama Croton

— by Kristie Thompson

What a wonderfully spent Sunday afternoon! The weather appeared to be elated to have us and Jean Nance was a superbly gracious host on March 16’s field trip.

Jean allowed us to explore her beautiful property and glorious home while educating us on the history of the land and the current species she lives among. The Nance cabin has been moderately modernized, so it still has that log cabin charm with eco-friendly updates. Natural log shelf ends perfectly displayed their collected nature trinkets: rocks, minerals, and shells.

We were able to experience the prolific amounts of Texabama croton that Jean was absolutely not exaggerating about after Tyson’s presentation at the last chapter meeting. It was everywhere along the trails! I was also humbled by the height of this plant. Although Tyson had explained the facts in his presentation, all I could picture before the field trip was the commonly known doveweed/prairie tea Croton as a height comparison. Now, having observed Texabama croton firsthand I’m definitely inspired to search for it in my common hiking spots that appear to be the appropriate habitat.

After we toured multiple trails behind Jean’s home where she pointed out Scarlet clematis, silktassel (and allowed us to collect a handful of seeds), and Western white honeysuckle, along with a preferred sapsucker drilled tree trunk, Jean took center stage on a favored slab of limestone to deliver additional history of the land.

Once we were back at the cabin, we enjoyed each other’s company on the back deck while snacking on some refreshments and Jean’s delicious homemade pumpkin bread. Also joining in on the chit-chat were several black-crested titmice, Northern cardinals, and a couple of red-bellied woodpeckers.

Thank you again, Nance Family, for lending out your space!

See photos from this trip and others in our album =>

Plant List Updated for March 29 In-Person Sale

The plant list anticipated for March 29’s in-person sale at Southwest Williamson County Regional Park was updated today, March 21.

  • The latest list drops some of the woody plants that sold out in the online sale.  Other plants have been dropped because they are not ready for the sale. 
  • Changes include:
    • Callicarpa americana (American Beautyberry) which were originally the white variation.  The plants coming to the sale will be the familiar purple-berried ones.
    • Calylophus berlandieri (Berlandier’s Sundrops) have been added. They are in one gallon pots and should be in full bloom for the sale.
    • Oenothera macrocarpa (Big-fruit aka Missouri Primrose) plants at this sale are the offspring of Williamson County Rescue Plants.

See the 2025 Spring Native Plant Sale page for the link to the new list and for all other information related to the sale.

image of Dwarf palmetto, Sabal minor
On the list, Dwarf palmetto, Sabal minor. Photo credit: Greg Donica.