— by Cindy Chrisler
Over a dozen NPSOT-Wilco members participated in the Progressive Field Trip on July 15, 2023. A pleasant breeze greeted us at the first stop, Papilionem Natives, a two-greenhouse operation dedicated to native milkweed propagation. Adelis Cardenas shared her tips on potting medium, germination techniques, and more as we toured her greenhouses and native plant gardens.
The heat was starting to build as we toured the Peterson Community Garden and Monarch Waystation in Hutto. Peterson Community Garden volunteers gave us a history of the garden and a tour that included an active beehive, antique farming equipment, and a variety of native flowers that bloom in the heat of Texas summers.
Our last stop was Murphy Park in Taylor which boasts a Monarch Waystation, small native gardens, and a rookery for egrets. Sue Wiseman showed us a mature Texas Palm, which has mostly been extirpated in Texas due to overharvesting. We ended the field trip with a delightful lunch at Plowman’s Kitchen in Taylor.
Photos by Cindy Chrisler
Photos from this trip are in our field trip album=>