[4/14 directions updated. Left on FM 2147.]
This parking info has been added to the Middleton Ranch (working cattle ranch) portion of April 27’s field trip ==> If you are uncomfortable driving your vehicle on the ranch roads, you may park inside the gate and we will transport you to the property and back to the gate.
See the full field trip announcement at this link, including important info on what to wear for the ranch hike.
- What: Museo Benini and Middleton Ranch Field Trip
- When: Saturday, April 27, 2024
- 10:30 AM-11:30AM – Museo Benini
- (optional) 11:30 AM – Middleton Ranch hike
- Where:
- Museo Benini, 3440 FM2147, Marble Falls, TX 78654. Directions: From FM 1431, take 281 south for about 2.5 miles to FM 2147. Turn left on FM 2147 and proceed 3.2 miles to Museo Benini.
- Middleton Ranch directions will be provided at the field trip
Our field trip is free and open to the public. Reservations are not required.