Join NPSOT-Wilco online on Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 7:00 pm, when author Nancy Lawson will present The Humane Gardener: Nurturing Habitat for Wildlife.
- Following a brief chapter business meeting, the guest presentation will last about an hour. The presentation will NOT be recorded for our YouTube channel.
- You must register in advance to attend. Register at https://npsot-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMufuuqrT4pE9KfRR47HTsALLnFO4Jqt1xk.
About our topic: Why do we call some insects “beneficial” while others are “pests”? Why do we welcome some larger animals to our garden while calling others “nuisances”? Why are some plants considered “desirable” while others are “weeds”? In this myth-busting talk, learn how common growing methods divide the natural world into false dichotomies and perpetuate misperceptions about the wild species living among us. Discover practical ways to put humane gardening philosophies into action by protecting nesting sites for insects, birds and mammals; eliminating unintended hazards; identifying and nurturing plants that provide food and shelter; restoring habitat with minimal disturbance to animals; and humanely resolving conflicts with mammals and other commonly misunderstood creatures.
About our guest speaker: Nancy Lawson is the author of The Humane Gardener: Nurturing a Backyard Habitat for Wildlife, a habitat consultant, and a national speaker on garden ecology. She founded Humane Gardener to pioneer creative planting strategies and other animal-friendly landscaping methods. Lawson’s presentations at diverse venues—from national wildlife refuges to local wildflower preserves—have inspired even seasoned horticulturists and wildlife experts to look at their landscapes in a new way. Certified as a Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional and master naturalist, she partners with Howard County Bee City, the Audubon Society of Central Maryland, the urban wildlife department of the Humane Society of the United States, and other conservation and animal advocacy organizations. Her book and garden have been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other media outlets.

At every meeting, we give away a book — about native plants or the meeting topic — to one randomly chosen meeting attendee!
NPSOT-Williamson County meetings are free and open to the public. We hope you attend! Meetings may be in person, virtual, or both, so be sure to check details in the meeting announcement. Meetings are announced on our website, our calendar and Facebook.